Thoreau had Walden Pond. Elvis had Graceland. Superman, the Fortress of Solitude. Bottom line—men need their space.
A 2010 study at the University of Southern California of couples in their 30s and 40s found that men’s cortisol levels dropped significantly when they had more solo leisure time in their own homes. “It seems that, when it comes to stress recovery, guys benefit from withdrawing a bit more than women do,” says USC’s Dr. Darby Saxbe, who authored the study. “The man cave phenomenon definitely fits in with the results of our research.”
Of course, not all man caves are created equal. You may have limited square footage to work with, or your budget may not allow for a full-blown entertainment center with surround sound and an 80-inch LED 4K Ultra HD big screen. But that shouldn’t stop you from breaking ground.
Here are a few tips to helping build the perfect man cave for dear old dad.
1. Plan ahead. Planning is truly the key to enjoying the completed space. Take precise measurements of each wall of the room you want to transform, then sketch a rough layout on graph paper. That way, you can see your ideas come to life and erase mistakes, without putting in wasted physical effort.
2. Set up the kickass TV. For most guys, one of the key elements to any envy-inducing man cave is an HD flat screen. And when it comes to TVs, wall mounts offer the best viewing lines. That means deciding whether you want a flat-mount, swivel or articulating arm (where the TV extends out), and getting the correct brackets for whatever kind of set you have.
3. Get a cool sound system. Man caves often double as party rooms. Carpet and area rugs also help improve the sound quality. And don’t forget to hide all those cables such as the speaker wires, HDMI cords, and cable TV.
4. Install awesome lighting. It really is true – lighting can make or break a space. Yes, even in dad’s bastion of masculinity. The lighting can say something about the man in your life, and should be dimmable to suit any mood.
5. Chill out. OK, you got the flat screen going, the surround sound turned up, and the lights are dimmed. Now is the time to let Dad pull up a chair and relax in his very own zone.