Happy New Year from The Happy Outlet! Going into the new year often means focusing on new resolutions. Whether it’s eating healthier or going out more, resolutions are a great way to kickstart the path towards completing your personal goals. Resolutions shouldn’t just be for yourself, however, as your home’s electrical safety could always use some improvement. The staff at The Happy Outlet have dedicated ourselves to keeping Nevada homeowners safe. To ensure our Carson City neighbors get a head start on electrical safety for the New Year, we have put together some resolutions every homeowner should make.

Maintain Proper Outlet Usage

  • Examine your electronics before plugging them in to identify any damages or frayed wiring.
  • Do not use multiple appliances on one outlet, especially major appliances, as this can cause an electrical overload.
  • Unplug any small appliance or electronic when not in use.
  • Place plastic covers or safety plugs over outlets when not in use.
  • Consider upgrading any three-prong outlets to GFCI, as this further protects from shock.

Test GFCIs Once a Month

  • GFCI outlets should be tested once a month to ensure functionality and safety for your home.
  • To test a GFCI outlet, first press the reset button, and plug in a small electronic, such as a nightlight. While the electronic is plugged into the GFCI outlet, press the test button, and if the electronic turns off then the GFCI outlet is working properly.
  • If your electronic does not turn off when pressing the test button, then the GFCI is not working properly and should be diagnosed by a professional.

Have a Safety Plan for Your Family

  • Know every escape route in your home in case of a fire or other severe emergency.
  • Have a backup generator ready for potential power outages.
  • Maintain your smoke and fire alarms to identify danger quickly.
  • Keep trusted electrical professionals on stand-by with The Happy Outlet’s Family Safety Plan, further guaranteeing electrical safety for your family and home.

Practice Extension Cord Safety

  • Always check your extension cord for damages or cracks before plugging it in.
  • Tape extension cords to the ground and place them around corners to avoid tripping.
  • Keep extension cords as straight as possible, and undo any bends or knots.
  • If an extension cord begins to feel hot, unplug it immediately, as this means it cannot handle the electrical load.

Plan an Annual Electrical Inspection

  • Annual electrical inspections keep your electrical system at peak performance while maintaining compliance to all safety regulations.
  • Part of electrical safety is dependent on the electrical system itself, meaning it is important to identify and resolve any issues with your electrical system before they get too severe.
  • The Happy Outlet provides supreme electrical services to fully secure your electrical system, and is the trusted choice for your annual electrical inspection.

Make this new year an even safer one with our electrical safety resolutions. Finding trusted electricians to improve your electrical safety is made easy with The Happy Outlet. For over 17 years, we have served our Nevada communities, and are always on call to provide professional electrical services for our local homeowners. Give us a call at 775-841-9473 to schedule an appointment and meet your handy electricians. Happy New Year from The Happy Outlet!